Ged a sheòl mi air m’aineol Cha laidh smallan air m ‘inntinn.
Mu’n a sgoil an laithean m ‘oige Tha mi toiseachadh ri innse.
Cha robh scribbler anns a phrovince, ‘S gun robh moran eile dh ‘ith oirnn.
Leabhar leubhaidh agus grammar, ‘S mor a ghrainn a bh ‘agam fhin orr’
Cha robh guth air examinations, No air gradadh fad an t-season.
Gun dad ach ag ionnsachadh leubhadh Tables agus beagan sgriobhadh.
Aig Nollaig cha’n fhai’adh sinn candy – Cha robh Santa Claus ‘san tid ud
Paidhir mhogain ‘s leine dhrogaid, Gum bu phrosail bhiodh sinn fhin leo.
A chas ruisgt an tid an t-samhraidh Cha robh sandals ‘s cha robh sneakers
Cha robh fasannan uire Air guntan nan nigheanaig.
Ach dreasaichen fada dhrogaid Agus opair oirre sliobadh.
– An t-aodach a dheanadh a’ mathair. ‘S cha robh snaile thighinn bho Eaton.
Ach bha iad cus na bu bhoidhche Na’n fheadhainn og an diugh le side
Cha robh guth aca air rouge, No air fudairean mine.
By Chris McDonald
About Chris McDonald
Dr. Chris McDonald teaches in CBU’s music program, and offers courses on popular music history, music theory, music and protest, and world music. Chris is an active musician in the Sydney area, performing rock, jazz and Celtic music. He has written articles on alternative rock, jazz, and Celtic music, and published a book called Rush, Rock Music, and the Middle Class in 2009. Married to an advanced Gaelic speaker, Chris performs a repertoire of Gaelic songs.
The Ballad of Slim McInnis // The Ballad of Slim McInnis - Songs of Steel, Coal and Protest
The Ballad of Slim McInnis // The Ballad of Slim McInnis - Songs of Steel, Coal and Protest
Doscomocracy // Doscomocracy - Songs of Steel, Coal and Protest
Trampin’ Down the Highway // Trampin’ Down the Highway - Songs of Steel, Coal and Protest
Quaint Harbour // Quaint Harbour - Songs of Steel, Coal and Protest
Blackheart’s of the Company // Blackheart’s of the Company - Songs of Steel, Coal and Protest
Stand the Gaff // Stand the Gaff - Songs of Steel, Coal and Protest
Michael’s Tune // Michael’s Tune - Songs of Steel, Coal and Protest
Arise Ye Nova Scotia Slaves // Arise Ye Nova Scotia Slaves - Songs of Steel, Coal and Protest
Whatever It Takes // Whatever It Takes - Songs of Steel, Coal and Protest
The Wearing of the Red // The Wearing of the Red - Songs of Steel, Coal and Protest
Down at Sydney Steel // Sydney Steel - Songs of Steel, Coal and Protest
Stronger then Steel // Stronger then Steel - Songs of Steel, Coal and Protest
Steel Winds // Steel Winds - Songs of Steel, Coal and Protest
A Cape Breton Lament // A Cape Breton Lament - Songs of Steel, Coal and Protest
An Seann Tigh Sgoil // An Seann Tigh Sgoil - Songs of Steel, Coal and Protest
Friday Evening // Ian MacDougall - Songs of Steel, Coal and Protest
The Voice of the Worker // The Voice of the Worker - Songs of Steel, Coal and Protest
Daughters Awake // Daughters Awake - Songs of Steel, Coal and Protest
Cape Breton Miner and Besco // Cape Breton Miner and Besco - Songs of Steel, Coal and Protest
Miner’s Wife // Songs of Steel, Coal and Protest
Steel Workers Lament // Songs of Steel, Coal and Protest